Friday, June 22, 2012


After going through a family tragedy, I've once again found myself desperately seeking distraction.
If you're interested in reading about that, you may do so here.

I've been getting into Diablo 3 for a few different reasons. First, it's not WoW. I'm so accustomed to everything in WoW, every class, every dungeon, almost every raid, that it has lost its “shiny” appeal. It's no longer the wondrous world of Azeroth of which I could explore every corner. Second, it's there, it's something to do, something new. I received a free copy of it when signing up for the annual commitment so we have had it, mostly un-played, since release. My husband had lost most interest in games prior to this incident, and had only been playing very casually, leaving the game untouched for me to experiment with. Third, it's not entirely unfamiliar to me. The controls are definitely different from WoW, but not so different that I have trouble with them. I'm sure there are more reasons than this, but I just can't come up with anything else right now.

As I had written previously, the game at first did not catch my interest. Without having played the original two Diablos, I was missing the “epic” story-line and its significance, and without that, the game might be considered a bit lackluster. Despite the extreme amount of time Blizzard/Activision worked on it, or perhaps because of this, Diablo's graphics are several years behind most new games. (My husband informed me this is because the graphics engine has been in place for years, outdating the game from the start.) With the settings turned all the way up, it is basically seamless, with no jagged edges or blurring, but it's also missing the feel of a new game, the way that Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning made me feel, astounded by the clarity and colors. Granted, Diablo is supposed to be dark in theme and color, but it still feels like it is missing something. I am, however, rather used to being disappointed with graphics, because I have been playing WoW for so long, and even those unfamiliar with the game would probably recognize its chunky, cartoonish landscapes and characters. I most definitely prefer the “shiny things” in general, though.

I have a few other complaints with Diablo 3. Apparently, according to those who have gotten so far before, there are only 30 original levels: the rest are repeats of the first. Basically, you get to level 30 and do it all over again!?! Add to this the fact that every single character and class has to do the exact same quests, and you have even more monotony than you do in World of Warcraft. At least in WoW you can pick your questing zones and each race has a different starting area. It takes a few characters to make it monotonous. Questing itself is not very fun, but there are unique story-lines that branch out and span across the whole Warcraft world. The mechanics of questing are better in Diablo, this is almost definite, but with so few quests, does that even begin to make up for it? Thankfully, I am not yet at that point, but I have created one of each class (five in total) and have had to do the exact same things just to try to get to level 10. There is a lot of exploring you can do, but this almost makes it worse... you may have a goal for a quest, like finding and entering a specific graveyard, but you may come across several other obstacles along the way. While these are not necessary, someone like me usually cannot pass up the chance to grab more “epic loot.” (I don't even know what the terms are for Diablo, but I'm fairly certain it's not “epic.” I know there is a “rare” class of item, but I'm not sure what that is comparable to in WoW.)

Well, now I'm back to playing World of Warcraft. I've played Diablo for about seven hours the past couple of days and am trying to not get burnt out on it yet, so decided to give my baby orc shaman another spin. It's amusing that heirlooms seem to make me level almost too fast, while in D3 I am trying hard to level faster. I've temporarily sworn off on dungeons on this character, because I am overall so tired of them and I have about five different characters currently in this level range to “share” the dungeon queue with. I can grind dungeons for hours on my baby warrior, switch characters, and get stuck grinding the same ones over again.  Instead of queuing, I'm currently questing, in Stranglethorn Vale, to be precise.

So now I'm off to fall into yet another trap, thinly veiled evil and treachery causing my naive self to succumb.  That poor baby Lashtail Hatchling! I'll come for you someday, if only I can get a group together for it... (Remember how they changed the queue and you can no longer queue for Zandalaris? I'm still upset over that.) So, here goes!...

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