that didn't take long. It's been less than two weeks
since Mists of Pandaria was released and I'm already
sucked back in. I was up until 4am-ish just trying to complete
a quest-line. I've been focusing on solo-leveling my Alliance
hunter on Malygos for now, and have been trying to enjoy reading all
of the quests and paying attention to the stories. My husband
has been doing the exact opposite and reading as little as possible,
and it doesn't seem that he has been that much more time-efficient
than I. I had not been focusing on leveling this character
until a few days ago, and am now almost level 89. In addition
to questing, I've run the dungeons that have been available to me, in
the queue-while-questing style, and have been moderately impressed by
them. Even more than the main things, it's the little things in
this expansion that have me intrigued. I'm looking forward to
the entire cloud serpent acquisition process, as well as the farming
and reputation with the Tillers. I also maxed out her
professions, skinning and leatherworking, last night and
was pretty pleased and impressed with how easy it was. Other
than running around and skinning other peoples' kills, I haven't
actually farmed any leather, and had more than enough to achieve max
level with just my own leather. Speaking of leather, I find it
interesting and convenient that while you can create Exotic Leather
from the "scraps" through leatherworking and gain points
from it, you can also click-to-create, and while it is a short cast
time, you can do it while mounted and moving, so after having
achieved the max amount of leatherworking skill points from it, I was
able to just click and create while running (of which we do plenty in
Pandaria, due to not being able to fly yet).
is it so damn easy to distract myself from real life?
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