Friday, July 3, 2015

ZOMG - Costumes in TERA

Whatever criticism one may have for TERA, their costume selection is amazing.
It's sad that, not for the first time, I may be sucked in to spending money on a game in which I still haven't leveled to max.

I made a new character, Jessamyn, a High Elf Gunner and she's gorgeous.  Like seriously, why can't I look like her?

At the completion of the starter quests, I got this badass giant gun.

Then, I started browsing the brokerage to view costumes.  I've wanted to deck her out in a least somewhat steampunk-themed gear, and there's a costume to cover that.  Unfortunately, the weapon skin doesn't work for Gunners or Reapers.

In the midst of that disappointment, however, I found these, Pink Brow Glasses:

Cute or CUTEST?

So, they're not steampunk - at all - but they're adorable and they suit her.
Unfortunately they cost at least 4k gold, which I do not have (hey, having never passed level 43 and with the in-game economy as strange as it is, I'm happy to have broken 2k).  Alternatively, I can purchase costume boxes which *might* contain them, at a cost of approximately $3 each.  Yikes.

I'm on Tempest Reach, so if anyone wants to throw me some EMPs or gold, I'd be more than grateful!

Thanks for reading!
Signing off,
V the GRRL Gamer

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