Thursday, March 3, 2016

Black Desert Online or The Game That Keeps Me Awake

I've been part of a multi-game LGBTQ guild since I started playing Skyforge.  Recently they started talking a lot about Black Desert Online.  I hadn't heard anything about it and hadn't been exposed to any of the hype.  I wasn't very interested in it, but I wanted to be an active member of the guild.

Prior to CBT2, BDO released their character creation tool, a small program dedicated just to creating a character.  I was so attached to the beauty of the character I created.  (She's a sorceress and I named her Elysia, but that name was taken by the time I had a chance to reserve.)  They were having a Beauty and Beast contest for which you had to submit your best creations, and there were several winners, but everyone got prizes just for participating, so of course I did.

(Yes, that's pink hair!)

After playing with the character creator, I was intrigued.  I entered several contests to win a beta key, and actually won for once.

We had a late-night gaming party at the start of the CBT.  It opened at 2AM central (8 UTC).  I had a blast.  My first impressions of the game were a bit 'meh', but that quickly faded as I realized just how much there was to do and how immersive it was.  The only complaint I had then and still have is the translation/localization.  There are many pieces of quest text that either don't make sense or are grammatically incorrect.  I was and still am very disappointed in that.  I'm sure there are some English majors out there who would have jumped at the chance to edit in-game text.

I decided to go ahead and blow all of my money, pre-ordering the $100 conqueror's package of the game.  I was really nervous about spending that much money on the game, any game, but this game in particular.  I had read a lot of chatter about pay-to-win, high cash shop prices, and a variety of other complaints, but - especially since the cash shop hasn't opened yet - I haven't had any problems.  I'm also fairly certain I've already gotten my money's worth out of the game, considering how many hours I've logged already.

Five days later and I am still having so much fun with this game.  I have been playing A LOT every day since the pre-release, and still want nothing more than to be playing right now.  Unfortunately the game is currently undergoing maintenance, but should be finished very soon.

I ended up making several versions of the same 'Elysia' character (now named Verisiel) but am so happy with the finished product.  I chose the family name 'Mystarria', after a land in the Runelords saga.  Family names are what you identify as in the game.  You can add a friend to your list and whichever character they log in as, as long as it's in the same family, you will see them online, and there is one guild in which you can place all your characters.  Building a guild is really hard work.  You have to start out with a clan with a maximum occupancy of 15 players, and have to save up 100,000 silver to turn that into a guild.  Then you have to complete group quests - gathering only in the lower levels - until you save up enough money and points to expand the guild more.  There are also salaries - you can get paid just for being in a guild.  Oh, and to be eligible for a salary you have to sign a 30 day contract.

Screenshots in this game turn out amazing.  When you hide your UI (default Ctrl-U) you enter this mode where the background is fuzzy and blurred, and you center in on your character.  There are also different photo filters you can put on your gameplay and screenshots.  You can change from the Vibrant (recommended setting) to a large variety of other options.

Don't mind the screen clutter!


I had gotten to the point that immediately after taking care of my diabetic cat I would go right back to bed, and sleep for most of the day.  This game has given me a reason to stay awake!  I've also been in intense pain for the past week, but it's been made more bearable by a heating pad and being able to play BDO.  I've even been staying up late playing and still waking up on time and staying up.

There is just so much to do in this game!

Come and join me in-game!
Black Desert Online is now available for purchase.  Today was the general public release date!
It starts as low as $30!

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